Dernières Nouvelles

Beach Bisht stocking at Nordstrom
Beach Bisht, "a bathrobe that represented larger values and concepts."
Think about a fashion designers "Women warriors" who's aimed to heal the planet sustainably with "people's changed behaviours." that what I love about Beach Bisht, they all upholds their brand purpose by promoting the use of streamlined designs that are durable and functional as well as, reduce pollution of microplastics materials and supporting the natural state of the environment. According to news announced by the Beach Bisht creators they starting stocking at Nordstrom, the world's most reputable shopping retailer in US. So happy for all Beach Bisht lovers.

Beach Bisht have been selected to stock at Wolf and Badger
Beach Bisht, maintient leur objectif de marque en favorisant l’utilisation de conceptions rationalisées qui sont durables et fonctionnelles ainsi que, réduire la pollution des matériaux de microplastiques et de soutenir l’état naturel de l’environnement.
According to news announced by Wolf and Badger,
Beach Bisht selected to stock and now available in NYC and London stores and soon to be at LA and Sidney stores.
95 Grand St
New York

Beach Bisht ont été sélectionnés pour faire des stocks sur 24 marchés de l’UE avec Zalando